Editor: 2D Truss Analysis is a powerfull application which uses optimized finite elements (bar elements) in order to perform Static analysis of trusses. Its versatile interface as well as its easy customization make it a leader-product in truss analysis. Try it and start saving time and money!
* Use of highly flexible, general, finite element method
* Static analysis of 2D trusses
* Unlimited number of Nodes and Bars
* Etc.
* Top quality graphics rendering
* Full GUI including zoom, pan, Grid, snap options
* Every user action can be done graphically at real time
* Immediate switch to other measure units
* Etc.
o Calculation and drawing of the deformed shape of the given model
o Analytical view of the results of analysis, the geometry, the static model, the loads etc.
o Drawing of axial force diagram
o Scaling to Diagrams and the deformed model interactively
o Internal Forces calculation at each location along the members
o Etc.